Existing Building

Property Value Maximum LTV Ration
At or below HK$10 million 90%*
(According to the mortgage company's valuation)
Above HK$10 million and below HK$11.25 million 80%至90%*
(Max loan cap = HK$9 million)
Above HK$11.25 million and below HK$12 million 80%
Above HK$12 million and below HK$19.20 million 50%至80% (Max loan cap = HK$9.6 million)

Uncompleted Building

Property Value Maximum LTV Ration
At or below HK$4 million 90%*
(According to the mortgage company's valuation)
Above HK$4 million and below HK$4.5 million 80%至90%*
(Max loan cap = HK$3.6 million)
Above HK$4.5 million and below HK$6 million 80%至90%*
Above HK$6 million and below HK$9 million 80%至90%*
(Max loan cap = HK$7.2 million)
Above HK$900 million and below HK$10 million 80%
Above HK$10 million 50%

Non-self use Residential Properties or holds more than one mortgage loan

Property Value Maximum LTV Ration
Below HK$7 million 50%
At or Above HK$7 million and below HK$10 million 50% (Max loan cap = HK$4 million)
At or above HK$10 million 40%
Non-self use or a company 40%
holds more than one mortgage loan 10% reduction based on the above ratio

Approval by asset level

Property Maximum LTV Ration
First property 40%
Second property 30%
*The applicants shall be fulfilled (1) Does/do not hold any property at loan applicants; (2) Regular salaried; and Debt-to-income ratio is 50% or below.

Debt Servicing Ratio

Property Self use
Non-self use
First Property 50% 40%
Second Property 40% 40%

Mortgage stress test
(Assuming a 3% rise in interest rates, mortgage insurance plans or fixed-rate mortgages below 10 million are not required)

First Property Self use
Non-self use
First Property - 50%
Second Property 50% 50%